In the U.S., 1,301, 443 people speak French at home. This includes speakers of French dialects who are over 5 years old! In addition, this number includes individuals who have learned French as a second or third language, as well as those who are just learning it. This is an impressive statistic considering that French is the fifth most common non-English language spoken in U.S. households! The United States has several communities where immigrants from France and its former colonies settled during colonial times to help build up America’s economy and society: Louisiana (Cajun), New Orleans; South Carolina (French Huguenot); Charleston; Maryland/Delaware Bay Area – Baltimore/Washington DC metropolitan area.
All You Need To Know About French Language In The USA
French was the first language of the early settlers of New France, which included Quebec and Louisiana. Many other French-speaking communities developed in the United States. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, more francophones moved to the U.S., including many from Canada. In addition, there were also French Canadians who came to work on farms and in lumber mills. The first significant wave of French immigrants to arrive in the U.S. came during World War I, when many Frenchmen immigrated because they were refused entrance into Britain or Germany; others came for economic reasons as farmers or lumberjacks However, by around 1900, most of these immigrants had moved out of agriculture and into urban areas; they became a smaller proportion of the French-speaking population in the U.S.
During World War II, many French Canadians came to the U.S. to work in war industries and munitions plants, especially in Quebec and Ontario. Many of these workers were able to bring their families over after the war ended, and they became a significant part of the Francophone population in the United States by 1950 when 1,867,000 people reported French as their primary language (that is, at home or elsewhere).
The largest wave of immigrants from France arrived during World War II when many men joined the armed forces and left their wives and children behind because of fears that their husbands would be drafted for service. In addition, there were also women who left their husbands behind in France to join their families in the U.S. Many of these women were married to American soldiers and they brought their families over as well.
In the 1980s, there was a significant increase in immigration from French-speaking African countries, especially from Senegal and Mauritius; by 1996, 23% of all immigrants reported French as their primary language (at home or elsewhere). This group was larger than the immigrant population of Canada and greater than that of France and Belgium combined.
French is still one of the most commonly spoken languages in the American South and the Southeastern United States, especially Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia. Other areas with large Francophone populations include New Orleans; Texas (especially Houston and Dallas); Colorado; Utah; Arizona; Georgia (especially Atlanta); Florida (especially Miami, Tampa, and Orlando); Michigan; Pennsylvania; Wisconsin, and Washington, D.C.
French is also spoken in other areas of the U.S., especially New England, parts of the Midwest, California, and Oregon. It is also spoken in Canada, particularly in Quebec, Ontario, and Manitoba.
What Are The Most Francophone Cities In The United States?

The following is a list of the ten largest French-speaking cities in the United States.
1) New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana, has the largest Francophone population and is the second-largest city in the U.S. The Cajun French spoken by many of its residents is known as “Creole French” because it has been influenced by other languages and dialects that settled in Louisiana, including African American English (also called “Creole English”) and Spanish. New Orleans also has a large Creole-speaking population from Haiti and other Caribbean nations who live in the city because they are able to travel there without having to obtain visas or travel permits from their home governments.
2) Honolulu, Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii, is the largest French-speaking city in the U.S. and is also one of the most diverse cities in the world. French was an official language in Hawaii from 1820 to 1898, but it has since been replaced by English. The city is home to a large population of people from France, Haiti, and other Caribbean nations who have fled political turmoil or economic hardship in their homelands.
3) Miami, Florida
Miami, Florida, has one of the largest Francophone populations in all of North America. The Miami-Dade County area alone has more than 200,000 residents who speak French at home or use it as their primary language outside of school or work settings. It is estimated that more than half a million residents speak French either at home or in the workplace.
4) New York
The New York metropolitan area has one of the largest Francophone populations in the U.S., with roughly one million residents speaking French at home or as their primary language outside of school or work settings. The city of New York itself is also home to a large Francophone population, especially in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island.
5) Chicago
Chicago has a large Francophone population that is estimated to be at least 200,000. It is home to many French-speaking immigrants from Haiti and other Caribbean nations who fled political turmoil or economic hardship in their homelands. Chicago is also a major center for the African American community and has a large Francophone population from France who immigrated to the area during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
French is the sixth most spoken language in the United States. It is used in a variety of settings, including at home, at school, and at work. Most French speakers hail from France or Quebec but are also found in other parts of the United States. Although French is not an official language in any state, it is spoken by more than 100 million people worldwide.