Rohu fish in the USA is the favorite food of the people. It can be found in both the fresh and frozen forms in supermarkets. The fish is popular in restaurants too. People prefer to eat it fried, baked, or grilled. Rohu fish has a delicate texture and tastes good with any seasonings. It is a very healthy food because it contains protein and essential fatty acids.
What Is Rohu Fish?

Rohu fish is a fish found in the Indian subcontinent. It is called rohu in Bengali, manhwa in Hindi, mugil cephalus in Marathi and Malayalam, and mugil cephalus in Tamil. In Assamese, it is called bor-akhiya. The fish are widely distributed from Pakistan to India.
Rohu fish is the most popular fish in Bangladesh. It is also popular in India, Pakistan, and other countries of the Indian subcontinent. The rohu skin is used for making leather jackets and belts. The Rohu fish is also known as Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). It belongs to the family Cyprinidae, which includes many other types of carps.
Rohu fish are freshwater fish, often found in slow-moving rivers, ponds, and lakes. They are rarely found in brackish water. Rohu lives in both marine and freshwater environments but prefers freshwater habitats with a pH range between 6.0–8.0 and temperatures between 18-30 °C (64-86 °F). They can survive in water with a pH as low as 5.5.
The fish are omnivorous and feed on algae, plants, insects, and smaller fish. Rohu has a large mouth that can be extended by lowering the jaw. The fish use this to catch prey such as insects and other plankton. The lower jaw is hinged at the front so that it can be opened wider than would be possible for most other types of fish.
Where To Find Rohu Fish In The USA?

1) In Grocery Stores
Rohu fish are available in every grocery store. They are very common in the USA. So, you can easily find it in your local grocery store and buy some for your dinner.
3) In Big Chain Stores
You will get Rohu fish in many big chain stores as well like Walmart, Costco, etc. But they might be much expensive than the local markets.
2) In Fish Markets
Yes, you can also find Rohu fish in fish markets as well but it is usually very expensive there because the demand for rohu fish is high and so are the prices.
4) You Can Also Buy Online From Amazon Or eBay
You can get Rohu fish online from Amazon or eBay as well. The prices are a bit cheaper than the local markets.
5) In Local Stores
If you live in a small town, you can get Rohu fish in local stores as well. Many grocery stores in small towns and villages sell Rohu fish.
6) In Farm Stores
Many farms in the USA sell Rohu fish in their farm stores. So, you can easily find it on your local farms.
7) In Asian Grocery Stores
You can also get Rohu fish in Asian grocery stores. These stores sell different varieties of Rohu fish. You will find many frozen rohu fish there as well. The prices are very reasonable in Asian grocery stores.
Health Benefits Of Rohu Fish
1) High In Protein
Rohu fish are very rich in protein. 100 gm of Rohu fish contains about 18 gm of protein. Protein is the building block of our body. Protein is the product that makes our body strong and fit. Protein also helps to build muscle mass in the human body. So, if you are thinking to build your muscles then you must eat Rohu fish regularly.
2) High In Vitamin B
Rohu fish have a high amount of Vitamin B12 and DHA which is very good for reducing stress and depression from the mind. It also helps in maintaining blood pressure levels under control. Vitamin B12 also helps in the production of red blood cells in the human body. It maintains brain health by improving its functioning.
3) Helps In Maintaining Good Health
Rohu fish is a very good source of minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, and iron. These minerals are very good for the human body. They help in increasing the bone density of the body. Helps in maintaining muscle mass and brain functioning. The high amount of calcium present in Rohu fish helps to prevent osteoporosis which is a disease caused due to low density of bones.
4) Reduces Stress
The Vitamin B12 present in Rohu fish helps to reduce stress from the mind by reducing depression and anxiety. Vitamin B12 also helps to reduce blood pressure levels by reducing the stress hormone cortisol from the human body. If you are suffering from depression and anxiety, then you should definitely try Rohu fish.
5) Helps In Weight Loss
Rohu fish is a very good source of protein which helps to maintain weight loss. Protein helps to build muscle mass and prevents fat from building up in the human body. So, if you have been trying to lose weight but not getting any results, then you should definitely try Rohu fish. It will help you to get the desired results.
6) Helps In Maintaining Blood Pressure Levels
Rohu fish is a very good source of Omega 3 fatty acids which help to maintain blood pressure levels under control. If you are suffering from high blood pressure and have been prescribed medicines but not getting any results, then you should definitely try Rohu fish. It will help you get the desired results.
7) Helps To Prevent Cancer
The Vitamin B12 present in Rohu fish helps to prevent cancer from forming in the human body. The high amount of Vitamin B12 present in it also helps to reduce stress which is a major cause of cancer. So, if you are suffering from cancer or if your family has any history of cancer, then you should definitely try Rohu fish.
8) Helps To Prevent Arthritis
The Vitamin B12 present in Rohu fish helps to prevent arthritis from forming in the human body. The high amount of Vitamin B12 present in it also helps to reduce stress which is a major cause of arthritis. So, if you are suffering from arthritis or if your family has any history of arthritis, then you should definitely try Rohu fish.
9) Helps To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
The Vitamin B12 present in Rohu fish helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease from forming in the human body. The high amount of Vitamin B12 present in it also helps to reduce stress which is a major cause of Alzheimer’s disease. So, if you are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or if your family has any history of Alzheimer’s disease, then you should definitely try Rohu fish.
10) Helps To Prevent Asthma
The Vitamin B12 present in Rohu fish helps to prevent asthma from forming in the human body. The high amount of Vitamin B12 present in it also helps to reduce stress which is a major cause of asthma. So, if you are suffering from asthma or if your family has any history of asthma, then you should definitely try Rohu fish.
So finally, if you want to buy rohu fish in the USA, you will have to go online. You will have to look for a reliable supplier who can ship the rohu fish to your doorstep.
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