Eastern and Western Europe are two very different places. For centuries, these regions have had distinct cultural differences that will never be completely erased simply because of the passage of time.
The difference between Western and Eastern Europe is that the first name refers to countries with communist regimes, while the second one refers to more developed and economically stable countries.
The following blog post will explore some of the most significant cultural differences between Eastern and Western Europe so you can get a better understanding of what to expect when traveling abroad.
Western Europe is often considered to include the following countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Spain.
Eastern Europe includes Albania (not in Western), Armenia (part of Russia), Belarus (part of Russia), Bosnia-Herzegovina (not in Western), Bulgaria (part of Turkey), Croatia (part of Austria-Hungary), Czech Republic (part of Austro-Hungarian Empire), Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine.
Other points that differentiate between Eastern and Western European politics include the existence or absence of a strong nationalist movement as well as differences in government style. In terms of economic structure though there is no difference as both regions have social market economies.
Differences Between Western Europe And Eastern Europe
1. Western Europe is more democratic than Eastern Europe.
2. Western European countries are wealthier than Eastern European countries.
3. The climate in Western Europe is cooler and wetter, while the climate in Eastern Europe is hotter and drier comparatively.
4. Eastern Europeans are much more likely to speak Russian at home, whereas English is the dominant language in most of Western Europe.
5. Most people in Eastern European countries live closer to the poverty level when compared with their counterparts who live in Western Europe.
6. Western European people are more open to foreigners whereas in Eastern Europe people are less tolerant.
7. While some Europeans consider themselves as being from both regions because they live on the border or near it – for example, someone living in Poland who visits Russia often would be considered an East-West Euro – most people identify with one region or another.
8. The languages spoken by each group are different too; while English is widely used throughout all areas of Europe due to globalization efforts by former British colonies such as America and Canada during World War II when English was taught at schools around the world to create more allies against Nazi Germany’s growing power over continental Europe – many other languages exist including French which is primarily spoken in France but also Belgium where it is co-official with the Dutch language that exists alongside the German language spoken there too.
9. Eastern Europe is much less densely populated than Western Europe.
10. Western Europeans are more likely to be found in urban environments, while eastern Europeans live mostly in rural areas.
11. Many eastern Europeans believe that the West has exploited their natural resources for years without giving anything back or paying any taxes on what they take out of the ground.
12. People in Eastern Europe are generally more religious than those living in Western Europe, with much larger Muslim populations that have created tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims for decades now.
13. The European Union has made it increasingly difficult to keep borders closed between countries of western Europe resulting in many eastern Europeans looking toward Russia as a natural ally against what they see as an increasingly invasive west trying to control their lives economically – this is something which can be seen throughout history until present day where Russia still exerts influence over politics across Eastern Europe (Yugoslavia) even though it collapsed back in 1991.
14. Due to both population density and religion, there remains significant ethnic tension within certain areas of Western & Eastern Europe.
15. This is a major contrast between Western and Eastern Europe, with the west being more multicultural due to immigration for economic purposes, while eastern European countries are generally less accepting of foreigners on their soil.
16. The geographical proximity of Russia has given it influence over some areas in Eastern Europe where there remain strong historical ties that have not been severed by end of the Soviet Union – these can be seen most prominently through events such as Yugoslavia’s break up into separate states following 1991 referendum largely at hands of Russian politicians who were vocal about ethnic tensions within the country.
17. Open borders & trade agreements brought on by EU membership have led many people from poorer parts of Eastern Europe to look towards richer economies further West for greater opportunities – this migration continues today.
18. While Eastern Europe has made huge strides towards progress since the fall of the Soviet Union, there remain large swathes of society where poverty remains rife and opportunities are limited – this is largely due to heavy reliance on Russian gas imports which continue to be seen as a reliable source for energy needs.
19. Russia still sees itself as a major political player in East European politics with many countries such as Slovakia having strong ties to Moscow through membership in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) that was formed shortly after collapsing of the USSR.
20. However some politicians within Eastern Europe have begun looking away from traditional allies over perceived encroachment into sovereign affairs by NATO forces including deployment of missile defense shield proposed & approved by the Obama administration despite significant opposition from Putin’s government.
Why Are There Differences Between The Two Parts Of Europe, Despite Being So Close Together Geographically Speaking?
Western Europe is known for its culture, history, and more developed economy. It’s also the birthplace of modern-day countries like France, Italy, Germany, etc.
Eastern European countries are less wealthy than their western neighbors which results in lower quality of life. However, people living there enjoy cheaper prices on necessities such as food or housing. Although Russian is widely spoken by eastern Europeans they mostly understand English, so it doesn’t really matter where you go – either side will do! The 20th century saw many conflicts between these two parts of Europe with the most notable being World War I & II but since then relations have become much better now that both sides are part of the EU. If you’re looking to move somewhere close to Western Europe but still want to get a bit of the old Soviet Union experience then check out these two countries!
Russia and Ukraine have a complicated relationship with one another and it is easy to tell by looking at their history. The past few years have seen more tension than ever before due to the conflict in Ukraine, but this article will explore how Russia and Ukraine were always different from each other even before they became separate countries.
Russia was originally founded as an empire by Czar Peter the Great in 1721 which ruled not only over Russians but also Ukrainians who lived within its borders. It wasn’t until 1917 that these regions seceded from Russian control after the fall of the Tsar’s regime during World War I. This meant that many Ukrainian citizens now had to choose whether or
The first difference we will explore is in religion – Eastern Europeans were historically Catholic while Western Europeans were Protestant or Orthodox Christian; however, modern-day demographics show that over half of all people living in the former Soviet Union area identify as atheist or non-religious (or say they don’t know). Another major difference lies in cuisine: traditionally meat plays a larger
What Are Some Cultural Differences That Have Arisen As A Result Of This Split In European Culture?
One of the biggest differences between Eastern and Western Europe is that in Eastern European countries there has been a greater influence from communism. This means that equality was encouraged, but personal freedoms such as free speech were not given much attention. There are still some communist-inspired parties present in many eastern European governments today. In western Europe however, this isn’t something you’ll see very often!
The other big difference between Eastern and Western Europe is that in the East, countries are more homogenous. For example, many eastern European people have darker hair and eyes, but in western Europe, there is much more racial diversity with a variety of different ethnicities living together. This has brought about large issues for some communities who can’t understand each other’s cultures or language barriers so well! However, this also means that these communities share lots to learn from one another – especially when it comes to learning English!
Throughout history, Europe has been split into two parts. The West is more liberal and wealthy than the East (known as Eastern Europe.) Despite this difference in economic stability and freedoms, there are many other differences between these two parts of Europe.
The culture of Eastern European countries is not nearly as diverse as Western European countries. For example, the cuisine in Eastern Europe usually consists of potatoes and cabbage dishes while Western European cuisine tends to be much more varied with a wider range of food choices. Eastern Europeans also tend to be less open-minded when it comes to religion; for instance, while some religions like Christianity are accepted by all people in Western European countries, Islam isn’t tolerated or accepted by most people living in Eastern European countries. These differences have led to a lot of tension between Eastern and Western Europe.
The culture in Eastern European countries is not nearly as diverse as in the West. For example, cuisine from there usually consists of potatoes and cabbage dishes while West has much more variety with a wider range of food choices. People in the East are also less open-minded when it comes to religion; for instance, while some religions like Christianity are accepted by most people living in Western countries, Islam isn’t tolerated or accepted by the majority living in the East. These differences have led to a lot of tensions between these parts of our continent.
Differences in culture, lifestyles, and values are driving the changes between East and West. There is still much more to explore about these regions of Europe, but it’s clear that there are many similarities as well as differences. What do you think? Is one region better than another? Which country would be the best place for you to live? Let us know your thoughts in our comments section below!
Hi, I’m Robert D. Max, a seasoned traveler, author, and photographer from the USA. With a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management, I currently serve as Tourism Manager at Advance Travel and Tourism, a division of Advance Local. Outside of work, I’ve explored over 40 countries in my 7+ years of travel, documenting my adventures on my blog, AroundUniverse.com. Through my writing and photography, I aim to inspire others to discover the beauty of our world.