The poorest ZIP code in America is located just one hour away from our nation’s capital. Erie, Pennsylvania with a population of 1,418 households and a median income of $10 873 as compared to the federal poverty level ($25100). The mean individual earnings are 14 780 dollars per year which put them well below most other cities on this list!
The Must-See Places From Different Points Of View: A Census Tract In The Richest Neighborhood In All 50 States.
The places with the lowest median household incomes in America are often shocking. Little River, California has a population of 117 and is home to one of Puerto Rico’s poorest towns where only 4% own their homes compared with over half (54%) on Oahu island.
The difference between these two locations becomes even more apparent when you look at what they offer that might entice people living there-or anyone moving into those areas as well! In some cases, it can simply come down to having access to work because chances aren’t good unless someone lives close by an office building or other source which would take up most parking spaces anyway.
How To Measure The Poorest Zip Code
The poorest zip code in the USA is probably depressing to learn, especially for those looking for an American dream. According to statistics stands at 37208 in Tennessee, which includes Chattanooga and East Ridge.
Chattanooga was one of the poorest cities in 2015 with over 30% living below the poverty line.
39% of people in that location are not high school graduates but is that due to lack of education or is there another cause? Some say it’s attributed to drugs, crime, and violence; others say isolation plays a role. Poverty can often be cyclical so children raised in poverty are more likely to be poor as adults; it’s hard to break that cycle.
With that location in the USA located in Tennessee, Alabama has the second poorest at 35063. The poorest zip code in Jackson lies within Jackson city limits. California is considered 93280 for Livermore; it lies outside of the poorest cities which are Stockton, Bakersfield, Modesto, and Fresno.
There was a lot of job loss through 2009-2011 because of the economic crisis. Yet even before that, there were problems in manufacturing jobs since 2000 due to outsourcing overseas. Mid-term elections decided the poorest zip code but what will be done now? There already have been policies set forth for free education but it is still up to members to take hold of this opportunity.
Poorest ZIP Code In Different States In The USA
According to a recent study, the poorest zip code in America has been revealed.
The poorest zip code is in Detroit, Michigan, and is called 48204.
Although the poorest zip zone is located in Michigan, there are several other places in the United States where the poverty level is high. In particular, certain cities in Ohio and Tennessee have the poorest zones in the country.
Zip code 48204 has 37,000 inhabitants and 16,000 households and 39% of its population are receiving food stamps. This means that almost two-thirds of Detroit citizens are struggling to make ends meet. The per capita income of the poorest area is a mere $11,000.
For this reason, most families living in the 48204 zip code do not own a car and they commute by bus or walk to their jobs. The poorest citizen travels an average of 16 miles to get to work, which often means going through dangerous areas on foot after dark.
The poorest area consists of mostly African-Americans, whose unemployment rate is 39%.
This zip code was given this name because it has the poorest income level in the entire United States of America. Many Americans are struggling with poverty and are living under very limited means. People are living on food stamps and do not have cars. This zone is located in Detroit, Michigan but there are many other areas throughout the country. For this reason, United States citizens need to find a solution for poverty and live with dignity.
Another poorest zip code in the United States is located in St. Louis, Missouri, with a median income of $8,350 for households and an unemployment rate 4 times the national average. Poverty affects nearly 28 percent of residents here despite being home to one of the nation’s most prestigious medical facilities, Washington University School of Medicine.
When the poorest zip code in the USA was established in 1937, its development was supported by an investment of more than $500 million into the area’s public housing and schools. Today, there are still visible remnants of this failed attempt at urban renewal with one out of every three homes being vacant or abandoned according to local residents.
Located just minutes from downtown St. Louis, the zip code in the USA is surrounded by residences that are vastly different than their own. Luxury homes and condominiums can be seen throughout the area as many professionals have settled close to their jobs at Washington University and other companies located throughout the city. However, poverty soon becomes evident as one venture further away from the central district.
Many residents in this area code in the USA are either unemployed or employed at least part-time in low-wage jobs with few benefits. They have little chance of obtaining higher education due to a lack of funding for public schooling and economic barriers. While there are several non-profit organizations, such as the Christian Appalachian Project, that aim to reduce poverty in the area code in the USA by providing temporary assistance and job training, statistics have shown little improvement.
In general, there is a lack of education surrounding poverty issues within the zip codes in the USA. Many Americans view this area as one that can be fixed with some type of assistance from national or local governments, but this is not the case. Poverty is a complex issue that needs to be addressed at multiple levels including increased educational funding, increased availability of high-paying jobs, and improved living conditions in the location in the USA.
Although poverty may continue to exist within the poorest zip code in the USA, it can be prevented from spreading to other areas. A closer investigation into the poorest zip code in the USA revealed that part of the problem lies with the lack of education surrounding poverty issues. If this issue is addressed, poverty can effectively be reduced or even prevented from entering certain communities throughout the country.