The elephant foot yam is a starchy root vegetable popular in many parts of the world. It is native to Africa and Asia but has been introduced to other regions, including the United States. The elephant foot yam typically grows to be about two feet long and one foot wide, with a rough, scaly exterior.
The root’s interior is white or cream-coloured and has a moist, starchy texture. When cooked, the elephant foot yam has a mildly sweet flavour and can be used in both savoury and sweet dishes.
If you’re looking for a unique and delicious vegetable to add to your next meal, look no further than the elephant foot yam. This unusual root vegetable is native to India and has a long history of culinary use. While it’s not commonly found in mainstream grocery stores in the United States, it’s easy to find at Asian markets or online.
The elephant foot yam is large and starchy, similar in size and shape to a potato. It has a thick brown skin that should be peeled before eating. The flesh of the Yam is a white or pale yellow, with a slightly sweet flavour.
It can be cooked in many different ways, including boiling, baking, frying, or even being used raw in salads. So if you’re feeling adventurous, pick up an elephant foot yam the next time you’re at the market. You’ll impress your friends and family with this tasty and unusual vegetable!
Elephant Foot Yam in Walmart
Walmart is the place to go if you’re looking for a great deal on an elephant foot yam! You can find this unique root vegetable for a fraction of the price you would pay at other stores. Here are some tips on how to select and prepare an elephant foot yam:
When selecting an elephant foot yam, look for one firm and free of blemishes. Avoid any that are soft or have brown spots. To prepare the Yam, first, wash it well under running water.
Cut off both ends, then peel away the thick skin. The flesh of the Yam can be eaten raw or cooked. If cooking, steam or boil the Yam until it is tender.
Elephant foot yams are a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal. Give them a try next time you’re at Walmart!
Where Does the Elephant Foot Yam Grow?
The elephant foot yam, also known as the greater Yam, is a starchy root vegetable native to tropical regions of Africa and Asia. It is an important food crop in many countries and is often used as a substitute for potatoes or rice. The elephant foot yam can be found in most grocery stores in the United States and is typically sold fresh or frozen.
The elephant foot yam grows best in warm climates with plenty of rainfall. It prefers well-drained soils that are high in organic matter. The plant can grow up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall and has large, heart-shaped leaves.

The fleshy root system consists of several thick, tuberous roots weighing up to 100 pounds (45 kilograms). Elephant foot yams must be cooked before they are eaten because they contain poisonous compounds called saponins. These compounds can cause stomach upset and vomiting if consumed raw.
The easiest way to cook an elephant foot yam is to boil it until it becomes soft enough to pierce with a fork. Once cooked, the flesh of the Yam can be mashed or cut into pieces and added to soups or stews. It can also be roasted, baked, or fried like other types of potatoes.
What is Elephant Yam Called in English?
The elephant yam also called the konjac, or konjac potato is a starchy root vegetable native to Asia. It’s usually sold in powder form and is used as a thickener or gelling agent in many Asian dishes. The elephant yam has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine and is said to have numerous health benefits.
Is Elephant Foot and Yam the Same?
No, elephant foot and Yam are not the same. Elephant foot is a type of Yam, but many different kinds of yams exist. Yam is the common name for some plant species in the genus Dioscorea (family Dioscoreaceae) that form edible tubers.
Yams are native to Africa, Asia, and the Americas. They are broadly classified into Old World yams and New World yams. The Old World yams include the cultivated species Dioscorea rotundata (white Yam), Dioscorea cayenensis (yellow Yam), and Dioscorea esculenta (Chinese Yam).
The New World yams include the cultivated species Dioscorea trifida (Red River Hog Potato), Dioscorea alata (Water Yam), and Dioscorea batatas (Sweet Potato). Elephant foot yam is one of the most popular varieties of Yam. It is grown extensively in tropical and sub-tropical regions for its large starchy tubers, weighing up to 2 kg each.
The tubers have thick brown skin with white or pink flesh. They are typically used in curries and other savoury dishes. So, while elephant foot yam is a type of Yam, it is not the same as different types of yams.
Each variety has its unique flavour, texture, and culinary uses.

Is Elephant Foot Yam Poisonous?
Elephant foot yam is a common name for several plants in the genus Amorphophallus. It may refer to Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, native to India and Sri Lanka, and Amorphophallus abyssinicus, native to Ethiopia.
Amorphophallus albus, native to Vietnam Amorphophallus titanum, native to Sumatra. All species of Amorphophallus are poisonous if eaten raw due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals.
These crystals can irritate and burn the mouth and throat, causing difficulty swallowing and vomiting. If ingested in large quantities, calcium oxalate can be fatal. Cooking the plant properly can remove the toxicity.
Elephant foot yam is an exotic vegetable slowly gaining popularity in the United States. This unusual tuber is native to tropical regions of Asia and Africa and has a long history of culinary use in these cultures. The elephant foot yam can be cooked in many different ways, and its flavour has been described as nutty, slightly sweet, and similar to chestnuts.
While the exact nutritional content of this vegetable is not yet well-known, it is thought to be a good source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Elephant’s foot yam is generally considered safe to eat, but there have been a few reports of allergic reactions in people who consume it.